What's Your Dream?
It is always wonderful to hear about someones dream coming true!
I took my eleven year old daughter to the Clearwater Aquarius Center in Florida while visiting my brother and his family. While we were there we watched a presentation by the staff of the dolphins that they had rescued from the ocean after being injured. My daughter has always wanted to be able to get close to a dolphin and touch one ever since I can remember!
There is one dolphin there that's name is Winter and the staff had to create a prosthesis for it's tail that had been cut off by a propeller of a ship and then they had to train it to swim using the new tail!
You see, Winter was a just a newborn when this happened and would not have survived. As they told about the experience and the way that they had nursed it back to health I realized that this dolphin had experienced a dream come true but so had the team of biologists who had been there and experienced being a part of doing this wonderful thing for Winter!
Well, the show had ended and we saw people going down to touch Winter so I thought that this was the chance that Cassidy had been waiting for, so we headed over to the gate and asked them if she could get in line. That's when we found out that it was going be about two hours before she would be able to be scheduled to touch Winter and get her picture with her. I thought about it for a few minutes and looked at what they were charging people to get a chance to spend a few minutes with Winter. That's when something came back to me as I thought, "Are you going to be someone who tells other people, someone who watches other people or someone who actually experiences doing it"? I remembered hearing this and it had stuck with me over the years.
That's when I told them without any hesitation, "We'll wait the two hours and come back to see Winter!" I couldn't have made enough money in a year to have paid for the smile on my daughters face at that moment. I had made her dream come true! I was her hero and it felt really good! That was my memory, but her memory was touching and rubbing the nose of that dolphin named Winter. Not just any dolphin! Winter was a dolphin that had survived! I have her picture in my computer now and will always treasure that moment in time! It was worth it and there have been many more times since that time when I have realized that some things are just priceless.
Don't you just love to hear when a handicap person that has been living in conditions that are almost impossible suddenly receives help beyond all possible means of their own and they are no longer living life miserable and struggling through each day? A group would come to their rescue and do things that are impossible otherwise. that is so exciting but most of us just see it on TV as most of the population sits staring at the screen.
I was once told that there were three different types of people in the world. There are people who tell everyone else to do things; people who watch everyone else do things and there are people who go out there and do things. I'd like to ask you, moms and dads, "Which one are you?".
Are you good at telling others how to do it and when to do it? Do you find yourself telling other people how to eat and take care of themselves but when no one is around going through the fast food drive thru? Hmm? I have to admit that I still do that sometimes as health conscious as I am. Are you the one that just watches everyone else and what they do and determine whether or not they did it right? Do you find yourself more comfortable watching others progress and chatting with a friend?
I have come to realize in the past year that no one else will ever account for my life except for me and I decided that I had better pay close attention to how I was spending it. When I catch myself judging the actions of others, I will stop to think about whether I have ever even tried to do what they are doing. When I find myself standing around watching people setting up or taking down after a function, I jump in and help out. When I see others joining together to make a dream come true for someone I want to be a part of it and I want my children to experience it as well! I don't want a day to pass when all I did was observe or judge what others were doing! How about you? I know that I am exhorting you today, but it helps us sometimes to be poked and pulled a little just to make sure everyone is awake at the wheel! I can't just stand by and WATCH you cruise through life. You might miss out on being one of those people that are doing things that make a difference while others watch!
It is the beginning of a new week! Go out there this week and be a part of making dreams come true! It may take some of your free time and it may leave you feeling a bit tired, but you know what? It will leave you with a memory that will last long after the exhaustion and soreness are gone! Go, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and make some dreams come true for your children, friends and family as you press forward! Selah. Think on these things.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all THINGS through Christ which strengthens me!
Check out the next post below to learn more about one way you can make a difference starting right NOW!
It is always wonderful to hear about someones dream coming true!
I took my eleven year old daughter to the Clearwater Aquarius Center in Florida while visiting my brother and his family. While we were there we watched a presentation by the staff of the dolphins that they had rescued from the ocean after being injured. My daughter has always wanted to be able to get close to a dolphin and touch one ever since I can remember!
There is one dolphin there that's name is Winter and the staff had to create a prosthesis for it's tail that had been cut off by a propeller of a ship and then they had to train it to swim using the new tail!
You see, Winter was a just a newborn when this happened and would not have survived. As they told about the experience and the way that they had nursed it back to health I realized that this dolphin had experienced a dream come true but so had the team of biologists who had been there and experienced being a part of doing this wonderful thing for Winter!
Well, the show had ended and we saw people going down to touch Winter so I thought that this was the chance that Cassidy had been waiting for, so we headed over to the gate and asked them if she could get in line. That's when we found out that it was going be about two hours before she would be able to be scheduled to touch Winter and get her picture with her. I thought about it for a few minutes and looked at what they were charging people to get a chance to spend a few minutes with Winter. That's when something came back to me as I thought, "Are you going to be someone who tells other people, someone who watches other people or someone who actually experiences doing it"? I remembered hearing this and it had stuck with me over the years.
That's when I told them without any hesitation, "We'll wait the two hours and come back to see Winter!" I couldn't have made enough money in a year to have paid for the smile on my daughters face at that moment. I had made her dream come true! I was her hero and it felt really good! That was my memory, but her memory was touching and rubbing the nose of that dolphin named Winter. Not just any dolphin! Winter was a dolphin that had survived! I have her picture in my computer now and will always treasure that moment in time! It was worth it and there have been many more times since that time when I have realized that some things are just priceless.
Don't you just love to hear when a handicap person that has been living in conditions that are almost impossible suddenly receives help beyond all possible means of their own and they are no longer living life miserable and struggling through each day? A group would come to their rescue and do things that are impossible otherwise. that is so exciting but most of us just see it on TV as most of the population sits staring at the screen.
I was once told that there were three different types of people in the world. There are people who tell everyone else to do things; people who watch everyone else do things and there are people who go out there and do things. I'd like to ask you, moms and dads, "Which one are you?".
Are you good at telling others how to do it and when to do it? Do you find yourself telling other people how to eat and take care of themselves but when no one is around going through the fast food drive thru? Hmm? I have to admit that I still do that sometimes as health conscious as I am. Are you the one that just watches everyone else and what they do and determine whether or not they did it right? Do you find yourself more comfortable watching others progress and chatting with a friend?
I have come to realize in the past year that no one else will ever account for my life except for me and I decided that I had better pay close attention to how I was spending it. When I catch myself judging the actions of others, I will stop to think about whether I have ever even tried to do what they are doing. When I find myself standing around watching people setting up or taking down after a function, I jump in and help out. When I see others joining together to make a dream come true for someone I want to be a part of it and I want my children to experience it as well! I don't want a day to pass when all I did was observe or judge what others were doing! How about you? I know that I am exhorting you today, but it helps us sometimes to be poked and pulled a little just to make sure everyone is awake at the wheel! I can't just stand by and WATCH you cruise through life. You might miss out on being one of those people that are doing things that make a difference while others watch!
It is the beginning of a new week! Go out there this week and be a part of making dreams come true! It may take some of your free time and it may leave you feeling a bit tired, but you know what? It will leave you with a memory that will last long after the exhaustion and soreness are gone! Go, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus and make some dreams come true for your children, friends and family as you press forward! Selah. Think on these things.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all THINGS through Christ which strengthens me!
Check out the next post below to learn more about one way you can make a difference starting right NOW!
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