Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Just Ask!"

"Just Ask!"

Luke 11:9 - And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you.

As I read this passage I began to think about my daughter and our relationship when it comes to gifts. In all parent child relationships there is allot more gifts given from the parent than the child because we the parent have so much more to give. We have sources that our children do not have. For example, have you ever been running close on paying the bills and your child reminds you that they need some money to buy a friend a birthday gift or even a gift for your own birthday! Wow, we have to pay for everything, don't we! Is it something we get angry about or fuss at our kids about when it happens? I don't think so. All they want to do is give to others just like we do when the time is right.

Have you ever seen your child searching in a panic for something? My daughter was looking for her shoes we had just gotten on Sunday evening and she couldn't find them anywhere before going to her moms so what was the next step of action she took. She said,"Dad will you find my shoes and bring them to me tomorrow?" I said I would look for them and she said, "Will you find them for me, please..." How could I resist my child's plea? How could I disappoint her when she was asking me in such confidence and with such a good attitude?

She could have gotten mad when she couldn't find it but she didn't, instead she turn to her next source of help, me. She didn't know it but she was following the direction we are given in today's verses. Maybe somehow the teaching and scripture memorization at the Christian school I have her in has influenced her too in ways. Believe me though parents, she has here moments of resistance just like any child and we BOTH learn from it every time.

Have you ever been working on something with the door closed so that you wouldn't be distracted by what is going on in the rest of the house? I had an office in the downstairs of the house I was living in when I became a single parent and I would go there to work on estimates and paperwork for the remodeling I was doing to make ends meet. It was very important that I get this work done on time and I usually did! I can tell you though, that my door to that office stayed open more than it stayed shut. I believe my girls could not stand for that door to be closed. It gave them a sense of insecurity living in a split level house. They needed me to hear their voice when they needed me! I understood that and never refused to open my door when they knocked! That is so important in our lives, especially as single parents and for those of you who have lost your earthly father or maybe your earthly father wasn't such a good dad and you needed God's door open all the time!

Luke 11:10 - For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, the door shall be opened.

It's ok! God loves for us to come and ask for help when we need something because He has the resources! God loves it when we are seeking and He can help us find what we need! God loves it when we need His door open so we can feel secure or we can hear His voice when we are talking to Him and He gladly receives us. Everything else is set aside, just as I would set aside the paperwork long enough to focus on their situation or take care of their troubles.
Tomorrow we will discuss the way that God does address our troubles when we come to Him and He never leaves us without the help we need if we will trust Him!

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