Sunday, June 7, 2009

"What Do You Prefer?"

"What Do You Prefer?"

This passage really stuck with me because right here in the middle of these verses about women is a verse that says something about the children and husband I believe would make a woman's world a dream come true!

Prov. 31:28 Her children rise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her

Can you imagine single parents, your children calling you blessed?

I know it is hard to believe but they actually do already think things like this when they see the blessings of God in your life! Really they do! If you don't believe it, just ask them. The children see and understand allot more about you than you think they do!

Moms, do you prefer to be called blessed rather than other names I'd rather not mention here? Would you rather be praised by your husband than treated disrespectful and like some woman he picked up at a club somewhere? If so, follow the suggestions in the two verses preceding this one.

Prov 31:26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and on her tongue is the law of kindness.
Prov 31:27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

When you open your mouth to say something, ask God to give you favor so that your children and husband will understand and accept your message. When you speak, speak kind to others with respectfulness and teach your family this by example.

I have seen so many moms treating their young ,boys especially, terrible at the grocery store while waiting in line! I mean just degrading their character with smart remarks against their mental character because they wanted something really bad and kept asking for it! Did you know that teaching your son or daughter that they should just drop it after their first try to convincing you of getting something they wanted is actually going to have an impact on the way they pursue things as an adult? That doesn't mean that you give in but maybe you can come up with an explanation or an agreement for them to pay you back or even exchange for a chore they don't usually help with! Let's remember that the law of kindness is priceless when it comes to our children's character building.

Now men, in verse 27 it says that her husband also praises her. I believe it is Gods plan for the man to praise his wife in the multiple ways that she is blessed and that she is made in such a way that she will respond to your praise with unmeasurable kindness!

You may say, "You don't know my wife or didn't know my wife before!" Let me ask you this, can you make a list of the things that you praised her for and when you did this? If not let's get busy figuring out how you can do this without completely freaking her out! It must be sincere too!

Let's admit it guys, we take it for granted so many times and it is absolutely wrong!

Think about the way we treat our dogs! We pet them all over when we see them and give then compliments or bring them treats and they love us back so much! I saw an article the other day where a man was trying to figure out why his wife treated the dog so much better than him. He was watching one evening when he had time and he noticed whenever his wife would walk into the living room that the kids and he would just look her way for a moment without any reaction but the dog would jump up excited running over to greet her and lick her wagging its tail and body! What he learned was this. If he treated her with near as much appreciation as their dog did, he might be getting the treatment and loving that the dog was!

Hmm? Maybe the dogs are allot smarter than we think!

I think that verse 27 describes the type of life that any mom or dad would prefer! Their children calling their mom blessed and you dads praising your wife! I know we may not be married but it sure would help if you did get married again one day to remember this!

Guys, after I read this I thought about someone that I knew that came pretty close to fitting this description of a woman and she is a single mom, so I just felt led to praise her for being such a blessing to her family. I knew she would never get to hear this from her ex as they have been divorced for some time so I told her that he children call her blessed and I praise you for your persistence and example. I had no idea how much she needed to hear this and of course Gods timing never fails. Let's remember that Gods plan is for us to care for each others physical needs but also to show appreciation for the kindness and a giving spirit by praising our wives and moms for their being so blessed! It is most important.

Maybe your life isn't at all like this verse describes it! Maybe your children curse or treat you with disrespect! Maybe you say things you shouldn't and your wife or children run when they see you coming! After reading these verses, maybe you prefer to have a life that fits this description! Remember to start your day in prayer asking God to give you His Holy Spirit throughout your day and set out to make the changes you need in your life. Your family will not respond right at first but remember that the greatest tool we have to use is Love. You will disarm every attack with love rather than revenge. Have a great Sunday and may you be blessed! It's your preference, I'm sure!

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