Thursday, August 13, 2009

Please Pray About Supporting Us

As most of you know, I have been writting the devotions for parents for a few months now. I have come to realize a little about what it takes to prepare a message and why the ministers are full time positions! The ministry that I have started here and through direct emailing has become quite requiring and involved. This devotion is presently being posted on three separate websites each day and going out through two email groups. I have had requests from numerous other websites and people to post this devotion on their website or create a link to it there. To be totally honest with you, it has been hard to find the time to do that and work to pay bills too.

There is also the need for time with family so that my childen and grandchildren will grow up to become a blessing to God in ministry as well one day. I know you single parents understand this and how difficult it can be to find the time to teach them.

I have been doing my studying and working on this in the wee hours of the morning and sometimes late, late hours of the night to get them posted and out there for all to be encouraged and blessed. This has been the way I have done it so far. What I am asking each of you to do, is to simply pray about supporting this ministry financially each month as you feel that God leads you to do. This will help me in that I will be able to do some of this in the daytime and be able to spend some quality time with my children without being weary in well doing.

It is possible for this service to grow into a full-time ministry and I want anyone who God leads to support this ministry financially to be able to be blessed in being a part of the growth that will bring more opportunity for all to participate in a positive way!

Through this ministry I have been able to encourage and counsel single parents across the U.S. through the Word and prayer. Thanks to cell phones,texts, emails and blogs, there has been very little cost involved. I would have never thought this in the beginning but the biggest donation I have made has been my time. It has been my God given passion and God has shown me that He is being glorified through this Parents Daily Post.

I have not asked for financial support before and wish ony those who feel the Lord's leading, to do so, as this ministry will grow only as the Lord wills. I would love to continue expanding and serving by following after the passion that God has given me to encourage and offer support to the single parents and their families as well as offer parent centered daily devotions for all!

Prayerfully consider how God would have you to be a part of this ministry through your prayers and monthly financial support. May your hearts continue to be blessed each day as you seek His wisdom from the Word and to do what is right in His eyes!

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in God than to put your confidence in man."

I will be looking into setting up a non-profit in the future. For now make any contribution payable to my name and mail to the address shown below. Thank you again for your prayerful consideration!

In His ministry,
Rob Bailes

Mailing address:
408-D Woods of North Bend Drive
Raleigh, NC 27609

2Corinthians 1:2,3,4

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